April 29, 2006

Spring Fling 2006

Yesterday we spent the evening at Garrett's school's "Spring Fling." It's an annual event sponsored by the PTA to raise money for the school. As a matter of fact, it's their biggest fund raiser. There are always 5 or 6 inflatables, lots of games, a trackless train ride, sweet shoppe, silent auctions and more. It's really a fun filled 3 hours that the students all look forward to all year and this year was no different. All Garrett wanted was to win a "date with a teacher" (his teacher). I bid $40 and was in the lead until the very end. It ended up going for $75! That was just way above my limit. He was a little disappointed to say the least. He quickly recovered though and went on to enjoy the rest of the evening. He and I worked at the "Marshmallow Launcher" booth for 30 minutes. That was interesting. Now, the boys are already talking about next years event.

Garrett taking his turn down the jumbo slide

Payton pitched 33 m.p.h.

Payton took a huge jump before actually sliding down the slide

April 21, 2006

Time for fun at Carowinds

The wind up the boy's spring break last week we went to Carowinds Amusement Park in Charlotte, NC last Sunday and Monday. Darrin's parents even went with us on Saturday. They hung right with us the whole nine hours we were there. Nana even rode all of the roller coasters with Garrett! We went back on Monday for four more hours of fun before heading home. The boys had a super time. We're all looking forward to the opening of Boomerang Bay next month. That should keep us all cool this summer.

Payton loved Nickelodeon Central and rode every ride there at least three times. His favorite was the Scooby Doo Haunted Mansion. We also watched the Dora and Boots show while we were there. They even have a pretty cool roller coaster that Payton can ride. It's called the Rugrats Runaway Reptar. He also rode all of these rides. Darrin and I rode with him some but he mostly wanted Nana to experience the fun with him.

Garrett's favorites were "all of the roller coasters." He especially liked the Borg Assimilator and the Drop Zone. I rode the Drop Zone last year and that was enough for me. Daddy and Nana rode it with him this time. And, I wouldn't even dare ride the Borg Assimilator. Now picture this, you lay down on this coaster. As if that weren't enough, you're going head first so you have no idea what's ahead. It's goes super fast and does I don't know how many loops. No way!

Another highlight was the Celebration Parade. The boys got to see all of their favorite Nick character on floats...Spongebob Squarepants, Squidward, Danny Phantom, etc. I think it's safe to say that our season passes will be getting a lot of use in the months to come. We're headed back this Sunday to spend the day there with Darrin's brother and his family. Wish me luck.

(I've posted lots more picture on flickr.)

April 20, 2006


Well, here's a shot of Payton's latest injury. It's inevitable that it's going to happen, especially to Payton. When he comes in the house crying I know something is wrong and I'm usually afraid to look. Today was no different. It took him a while to calm down from this one. We applied plenty of ice and gave him Motrin for the pain. Now, four hours later, he's perfectly fine he says. Okay, I know you're wondering how this one happened....he was riding Garrett's go cart (without his helmet!) and came barreling into the garage. He didn't stop in time and ran into our old king size mattress and box spring that is leaning up against the garage wall. They both came down on top of him. Of course the bottom of the box spring is what hit him. He did learn a valuable lesson from it all though....WEAR YOUR HELMET!

April 18, 2006

Spring Break in West Virginia

Payton, Garrett, Marina & Cody

Payton "painting" his egg

Garrett waiting for his eggs to "get really dark"

Last week was spring break for the boys. As usual, we headed to WV to see friends and family. While we were there I had my cousin's children down to my mom's and they, along with Garrett & Payton, colored Easter eggs. They used the traditional method of dunking them in a color bath. I also bought them an Easter egg painting set. They liked it much better. The eggs, as you can see, turned out beautifully. I also hid 92 candy filled eggs all around the yard for the four of them to hunt for. They all ended up with quite the load when all was said and done. We also learned a few things on our trip...
  • according to Payton the trees in West Virginia are "naked" (they have no leaves on them yet)
  • it's "3 movies to Gee's house" (The boys never ask how long something will take. It's always how many movies will it take!)
  • it's "much cooler" to watch the DVD player while going through the tunnels (we go through two between here and WV)
  • when leaving the south and wearing shorts, don't expect it to still be "shorts weather" when you reach WV (Burrrrrr!)
  • truckers are still kind enough to enlighten kids (namely mine) when they give the "blow your horn signal"
  • the boys never want to move back to "mom and dad's town" because there is no Chuck E. Cheese (shoot...there are only 1,500 people in the whole town)

April 4, 2006

A poem about "The Masters"

Since this weekend is THE weekend as far as my husband is concerned, I thought I'd share this with you. I wrote this in 1993 out of boredom while my husband was watching The Masters. Of course that was "BK" (before kids) when he could actually do such things. Luckily for him though, the boys and I are heading out of town this weekend (perfect timing as far as I'm concerned). So... no need to call, email or stop by because he'll be totally absorbed in all things green!

    "The Masters"

    I get out of my cart
    and address the tee,
    I gaze down the fairway
    and no one do I see.

    My caddy hands me my club
    and tells me to watch for the bunker.
    He forgets I'm a scratch golfer,
    not some old clunker.

    The dog leg is tough,
    but I'm going for the eagle.
    This time I'm going to
    do it absolutely legal.

    As the divot flies
    high in the air,
    I keep my cool and
    at the ball I stare.

    I can see it's a hook
    as it goes to the left.
    Just over the pond,
    but not a bit wet.

    As I give the warning
    and call out “fore,”
    It lands in the rough.
    I can see it no more.

    I make my approach shot
    and hope for the best.
    Right on the green
    it comes to rest.

    He hands me my putter
    and speaks not a word.
    The course is silent
    except for a bird.

    I step up to the ball
    with the greatest of ease,
    Hoping no one can
    see my stomach quease.

    I sink my spikes
    into the ground,
    For I know this is
    the very last round.

    After I putt the ball
    time seems to stop.
    It rolls so slowly,
    I'm about to pop.

    At long last
    the birdie is mine.
    I'm walking tall
    and feeling fine.

    As the crowd starts to clap
    and give me a hand,
    Jack Nicklaus gives me
    my hundred grand.

    When the bright green blazer
    is being present to me,
    Reality sets in……..
    I'm awoke by a bee.

    © 1993 Shane Hawk

Payton's very first soccer game...

Tonight was Payton's very first soccer game ever. He's playing for the YMCA and his team's name is the Golden Lions. He was one of the players chosen to start the first quarter and was so excited. As soon as it started he kicked the ball and took it straight to the goal. The first goal of the season! When it was his turn to sit out and let his other team mates have a turn to play he patiently sat on the sidelines and watched. Once, the ball game right in front of him so he jumped up (off of the side lines) and kicked it. He's not quite got all of the rules down yet. At the end of the game it was tied 3 - 3, with Payton making two of the goals for his team. He did a great job and stayed right on the ball. He can't wait until his next game which is in two days. Stay tuned for more to come...

April 1, 2006

My Numbers

14 the number of years I've been married
2 the number of children I have
2 the number of dogs I have
5 the number of houses we've owned
11 the number of times we've moved
5' 7" my height
8 my shoe size
2 the number of cars we have
2 the number of stories in our home
6 the number of tv's in our house
4 the number of times I've been out of the U.S.
0 the number of times I've been on a cruise
1 the number of times I've been to Disney World
13 the number of states I've visited
4 the number of states I've lived in
16 the number of years I attended school
2 the number of brothers I have
20 my favorite number
7 the age I started wearing glasses
14 the day of the month my birthday is on
9 the number of months I've had this blog