August 31, 2006
The Beach from the boys perspective
"My toes" taken by Bubby
P.S. -- There was also one entitled "Mom's Bahooch," taken by the tiniest photographer, that I opted not to include in this showing (for obvious reasons!).
Shared by Shane H. at 6:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: Activities, Garrett, Payton
Thursday Thirteen
13 things I've discovered you can't take the cheap route on. No generic for this's gotta be the real thing or else!
- Toilet paper -- gotta be Charmin Ultra
- Pop (or "soda" if you wish) -- must be Coke all the way
- Chips -- I mean how can you beat Pringles?
- Cereal -- no matter how hard they try, the real Capt'n Crunch just can't be duplicated
- Potted meat -- who knows what's in the name brand stuff, much less the generic
- Lotion - otherwise that stuff just never really absorbs into your skin, it's just a greasy coating
- Mint chocolate chip ice cream -- nobody does it better than Breyers
- Pop tarts -- have you tried Kellogg's chocolate? Not too healthy, but delicious none the less.
- Toothpaste -- has to be Crest "cinnamon rush" for us
- Dog food -- how do they know it's not Pedigree?
- Peanut butter -- there's none as smooth as Peter Pan
- Jam -- Smuckers blackberry is #1
- Hot dog wieners - Ballparks really are the biggest
Shared by Shane H. at 4:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: Thursday 13
August 26, 2006
Bubby's Sleepover
Last night Bubby had a neighborhood friend spend the night with us. We took them out to eat for supper and then stopped for ice cream before heading home. We rented "Like Mike 2" for them to watch as well. They played a lot with Bubby's karaoke machine. It was hilarious to listen to them singing. They finally crashed around 1:00 a.m. I just knew they'd sleep in a bit this morning. Wrong! They were up bright and early before 8:00 a.m. Whew...I don't know how they do it. Oh to be young again, huh?
P.S. - Just in case you're wondering... Bubby has a trundle bed and that is what his guest was sleeping on. And, the black box you see on his wall is a chalk board (made using chalkboard paint).
Shared by Shane H. at 2:21 PM 2 comments
Labels: Garrett
August 25, 2006
"Big Fancy House"
This little story comes to you courtesy of Tater Tot, our five year old....
While driving home from school yesterday we passed a really small, run down house. He inquisitively asked, "mommy, how come those people want to live in that tiny house instead of a big fancy house like ours?" I then explained to him that some people don't have a choice. They don't have much money and can't live in a house like ours. A small house is all they can afford I went on to tell him. He was silent for a few seconds and then said, "Awwww, is that why Nana and Papa live in a little house? They don't have any money?"
Now, let me explain. Nana and Papa are my in-laws. They retired the first of the year and down-sized because they wanted to. They live in a nice brick ranch with three bedrooms. It's the perfect size for the two of them. On the other hand we live in a two story with about 2,500 square feet. When the four of us go up to visit with Nana and Papa it is a bit cramped so I guess that's why he thinks their house is too small. Isn't it funny how the mind of a five year old works? I was sure to call Nana last night and tell her that her grandson thinks they're poor. She got a kick out of it too.
Shared by Shane H. at 12:18 PM 0 comments
August 24, 2006
Thursday Thirteen
Thirteen things I was thankful for today....
- The torrential downpour we had this morning. We needed it.
- Slipping back into bed after taking the kids to school.
- Having lunch with a friend.
- Seeing my boys smile when I picked them up from school.
- Listening to them sing all the way home.
- Finding tennis shoes that Payton actually likes (and buying them).
- Having our two doggies wake me up with little kisses this morning.
- Talking to a dear friend on the phone.
- Not having to cook supper (we ate out).
- The boys not fussing when it was time to come in for the night.
- Bath time going smoothly.
- Hugs and kisses as I tucked the boys into bed.
- Silence.
Shared by Shane H. at 8:06 PM 1 comments
Labels: Thursday 13
August 22, 2006
The Day I Knew Was Coming...
I've known for several years that this day would eventually arrive. I thought I was prepared for it, but I was sadly mistaken. While my oldest son, Bubby, was completing his math homework tonight, he came into my office in tears. He was getting so frustrated. He uses Touch Math but was having trouble remembering the touch points. "I wish I could just be like everyone else. I wish I could read good and do math and everything," he said. It just broke my heart. Like I said, I knew this time would come sooner or later. Up until now he just wasn't aware or wasn't concerned that his academic ability is lower than that of his peers. He has three learning disabilities (dyscalculia [math], dysgraphia [writing] , & dyslexia [reading]) which affects every aspect of his life as a student. He goes to one hour of Resource class daily and we have a private tutor for him two days a week. I also work with him every day at home on math and reading. I stressed to him that it is not his fault that he has these problems. God made him this way for a reason. I just hate that he's beginning to feel pressure from his peers and doubt his self worth. Few things could break a mother's heart more. I guess the reason for this post is just to encourage those of you who are also affected by LD's. And, for those of you who aren't, thank God. But, also remember, that school work doesn't come to all children easily. Some struggle on a daily basis with the simplest of grade level tasks. Be patient, understanding and kind. Offer tons of praise and encouragement to them, they truly need it and will thrive on it. For more information on this topic you can visit the following websites:
Shared by Shane H. at 7:44 PM 3 comments
August 18, 2006
Trampoline + Water = FUN
Since it's in the upper 80's today, the boys (and a friend) are taking advantage of it. They like to put their sprinkler under the trampoline and jump. I must admit it looks fun...expensive, but fun!
Shared by Shane H. at 3:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Activities, Garrett, Payton
August 17, 2006
First Day of School 2006
Tater Tot, the BIG kindergarten boy
Tater saying goodbye to mommy A celebratory visit to Chuck E. Cheese
Well, am I glad that's over! The morning started bright and early at 6:30 a.m. for me. The boys soon followed at 7:00. I made blueberry muffins for them....not a bite was taken. They were just too excited and ready to get to school. No time to eat. Hubby took today off so we could both be their for Bubby's first day back and Tater's first day of kindergarten. Bubby did fine. He walked right into third grade like he owned the place. No mushy goodbye's from him. Tater, however, decided that maybe kindergarten wasn't for him. He asked if I could just stay. After learning that I couldn't, he bravely pushed back the tears and gave me a big kiss though ("not in front of my new friends for Pete's sake!"). There are two kids in his class that he already knows which is great. I must admit it was hard for me to leave. Hubby took me out for a nice breakfast at Cracker Barrel to take my mind off of it. At 2:30, when we picked the boys up, they were both smiling. Whew, thank goodness. The first words out of Tater's mouth were, "That was fun!" Thank you, Lord. They asked to go to Chuck E. Cheese to celebrate the first day of school, so of course we took them. Tomorrow will be my first day at home alone as Hubby will go back to work. I sure hope I find something to occupy me!
Shared by Shane H. at 9:21 PM 2 comments
Labels: Activities, Garrett, Payton, school, Stories
August 16, 2006
The Last Day of Summer
Tomorrow the boys start back to school. So, today is the last "official" day of their all too short summer. In their honor, ShaneShares proudly presents...The Boys of Summer 2006. I hope you enjoy it!
Shared by Shane H. at 11:40 AM 3 comments
Labels: Activities, Garrett, Payton
August 14, 2006
"Smart Discipline"
Today I signed Darrin and I up for a "Smart Discipline" seminar that is coming to town next month. I saw an advertisement in this month's issue of Upstate Parent and was so excited. This is what the ad says:
Nationally recognized author & speaker, Larry Koenig, Ph.D, presents his
Smart Discipline Seminar. Benefits of this seminar for parents are:
- Stops fighting and bickering
- Stops disrespectful language
- Puts end to homework hassles
- Instills positive beliefs
- Gets kids to clean up room
- Gets kids to do what you ask the first time
- Gets kids to bed on time
- Builds self-confidence
- Puts end to whining
- Gets kids self-motivated
- Stops interrupting
- Curbs negative attitudes
- Helps with ADHD kids
If you'd like to see when/if this seminar is coming to your area click here. I'll let you know how it goes!
Shared by Shane H. at 10:00 PM 6 comments
Labels: Misc.
August 8, 2006
"God Only Cries for the Living"
As I was driving home alone from West Virginia Sunday evening, a song came on the radio that I'd never heard. It's entitled "God Only Cries for the Living" and is sung by Diamond Rio. It really touched my heart...especially the part about the grandfather. If you haven't heard it, I encourage you to give it a listen (just be patient and sit through the very short CMT commercial). You can read about the story behind the song here.
Shared by Shane H. at 1:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: Misc.
August 7, 2006
Lady of Leisure
Well, I'm home from West Virginia anyway. I left for WV with two boys and two dogs. I returned with just the dogs! Tater decided that he wanted to spend a little more time with Gee and Paw in WV. Bubby then decided he wanted to spend his last week of summer vacation with his Nana and Papa in North Carolina. And...who was I to say no? So, I suppose for the next few days I'm a lady of leisure. Yesterday evening when I returned home, hubby and I went out for a nice quiet (and delicious) meal at Red Lobster. I just love their shrimp scampi! I spent the entire day today doing absolutely nothing and it was beautiful. I slept in, watched a little tv, caught up on some blog reading, etc. Now we're heading out to eat again. Tonight it's going to be Chili's (we only eat there for their "molton chocolate cake" dessert). Starting tomorrow though I do have some work to do. I have a house to clean. After all, hubby has been here a week alone! No, really, he did a fantastic job of keeping it neat and tidy. I just need to do the detail work...dust, vacuum, etc. My in-laws will be coming down on Thursday to bring both boys home and then stay for a few days to visit. Then, next week, school starts. So hard to believe that the summer is all but over. Where in the world did it go?
Shared by Shane H. at 7:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: Stories
August 5, 2006
Saying Goodbye to Family & Friends
Well, our visit in West Virginia is coming to an end. We'll be leaving tomorrow as will my brother and his family. I guess my mom and step-dad will go back to life as usual....quiet! Over the past few days we've attended a housewarming party for my niece, eaten a scrumptious spaghetti dinner with my Mamaw, and just enjoyed spending time with family. I've also soaked up as much of my new niece, Erin, as I possibly could. Who knows when I'll see her again. (boo hoo) I've enjoyed seeing the mountains again but I'm ready to head south. My bed is calling me. Of course, I miss my hubby too!
Shared by Shane H. at 10:19 PM 1 comments
Labels: Activities, Garrett, Payton
August 2, 2006
Off For a Hike
Today the boys went for an afternoon of hiking with their Uncle Jimmy and his family. They left around noon for their big adventure at Twin Falls State Park. It's just a short drive (20 minutes) from my mom's. They explored trails, old cemeteries and the waterfalls. Around 6:00 pm they all came dragging in wet and tired. After all, it was in the 90's today! The kids sure didn't seem to mind though. They had a great time in spite of the heat. Where was I you asked? Well someone had to stay home and keep the baby. And I wasn't about to let anyone do that but me!
Stay tuned for the next installment of.... our trip "home" to West Virginia..... I'll be adding to my "WV Trip" group of pictures at flickr while we're here. There are more pictures from today's adventure there too.
Shared by Shane H. at 10:23 PM 1 comments
August 1, 2006
Take Me Home Country Roads...
The boys and I are in West Virginia this week visiting family. My brother and his family have also made their annual trip "home." He's been in the Air Force for 20+ years now (stationed in Texas) and we only see him this one time a year. We're having a great time and the boys are enjoying seeing their cousins. We've only been here for three days but our agenda has been full. First off, and most importantly, I met my niece for the first time. This is her very first trip to WV. We went to church with our Mamaw on Sunday morning and then we all went to her house for lunch afterward. Yummy! That's all I can say. She made a full blown Thanksgiving meal! We've also been swimming and roasted marshmallows in Gee and Paw's fire pit. Stay tuned for WV trip part 2.
You can go right on over to flickr for more WV pictures!
Shared by Shane H. at 7:27 PM 1 comments
Labels: Activities, Garrett, Payton, Shane