November 30, 2006


Thirteen signs that it's Christmas time in the south......
  1. People pick out their live trees while wearing shorts
  2. You see palm tree "Christmas trees" in yards
  3. The weather turns really the 50's!
  4. People get their turtlenecks and scarves out for the "cold" weather
  5. You watch the Christmas parade without a coat on
  6. Stores are still having sidewalk sales
  7. You have your air conditioner on while decorating the Christmas tree
  8. They use a snow machine to make downtown look festive
  9. The kids get excited to see frost on the grass (the closest thing to snow down here)
  10. It is winter but there are no sleds for sale anywhere
  11. You're still mowing grass in December
  12. There are pansies blooming right beside your light covered bushes
  13. I'm still wearing flip flops

Merry Christmas!

November 29, 2006


Today was "Wacky Wednesday" at the boy's school. They chose to wear their pajamas and their Santa hats. Tater Tot even donned his robe & slippers. Bubby decided to wear two different shoes. They said they were so "comfy" all day and they that they even "learned better." Hey, maybe that's the key to getting children to learn at school...just wear their pj's. Maybe the teachers could even dress in theirs too. You never know, it might just catch on!

November 28, 2006

Aww shucks, it ain't nothin'

Yeah! Them there English classes did pay off after all.

Your Language Arts Grade: 100%

Way to go! You know not to trust the MS Grammar Check and you know "no" from "know." Now, go forth and spread the good word (or at least, the proper use of apostrophes).

Are You Gooder at Grammar?
Make a Quiz

Tuesday Taterisms

Things I have over heard recently from the one and only Tater Tot...

  • I'm sorry, I'm not a very good rememberer

  • While telling his grandmother about the skeletal system, she asked, "How do you know so much about this?" His answer? "Well, because I'm so smart!"

  • When I grow up I'm going to be an acrobat...they do really cool stuff

  • When asked why he liked his student teacher he replied, "Because she is so darn pretty!"

  • He told his dad he needed to talk and then said, "I think it's the parents, don't you?" Dad asked what he was referring to. Tater said, "You know, the whole Santa thing."

And, that wraps up this edition of Tuesday Taterisms. Stay tuned for more six year old ramblings.

November 26, 2006

The Otis Van

Okay, I know you're wondering why I would dedicate an entire post to this white van. Well, if you're a family member, you know exactly why. But, for my blogging friends let me explain. We were at the mall last week doing a little holiday browsing. When we left this van was the first thing I saw in the parking lot and it just warmed my heart. My grandfather, Otis, passed away in May 2005. I was extremely close to him and miss him deeply. Now, any time I step onto an elevator or escalator and see "Otis" (the manufacturer) I just smile. However, seeing his name boldly emblazoned on the side of a vehicle just gave me chills. I know it was just coincidence, but what are the odds? There were hundreds and hundreds of cars in the huge parking lot. This one just happened to park a few spaces down from ours. Thanks Otis repairman. Thanks for picking the parking space you did. It started my holiday season off wonderfully.

November 25, 2006

Christmas Meme

I saw this meme and thought it was cute so I borrowed it from Andria over at Boy Crazy.

1. Egg nog or hot chocolate? Egg nog all the way baby!

2. Does Santa wrap presents or just set them under the tree? Amazingly Santa some how finds the time to actually wrap our boy's gifts. Go figure.

3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? White and only white.

4. Do you hang mistletoe? Nope, never have.

5. When do you put up your decorations? The tree goes up Dec. 1st. The decorations...whenever I get around to it.

6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)? Ham

7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child? Waking my mom and step dad up at the crack of dawn.

8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? What truth? What are you talking about??

9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? Christmas morning.

10. What kind of decorations are on your Christmas Tree? We have ones the boys have made, special ones I buy them each year, ones people have given us. All of the ornaments have a story behind them.

11. Snow! Love it or Dread? Absolutely hate it! I had enough of it the 31 years I lived in West Virginia. That's one good thing about the snow.

12. Can you ice skate? Gave it a try's not for me.

13. Do you remember your favorite gift? Oh yes! It was my Barbie Dream House when I was 8 or 9 years old.

14. What's the most important thing about the Holidays for you? Spending time with family.

15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert? Peanut butter fudge.

16 What is your favorite holiday tradition? Buying an ornament for each of our boys that represent something that happened in their lives the previous year. For example, Payton got a little boy wearing a backpack and holding books to signify his first day of kindergarten. I got Garrett a basketball player to signify his first year playing Upward basketball.

17. What tops your tree? An angel hubby and I bought at K-Mart for our very first Christmas together 15 years ago. I wouldn't dare replace her.

18. Which do you prefer giving or Receiving? I'd much rather give.

19. What is your favorite Christmas Song? "Mary Did You Know" by Mark Lowry.

20. Candy Canes! Yuck or Yummy? Yummy in small quantities. I especially like the cinnamon ones.

November 24, 2006

Black seen through my eyes

**Please note -- I try to keep my ranting and raving to a minimum. However, the following post is one I needed to get off my chest. If you're not in the mood to listen to someone standing tall on their soap box, feel free to scroll on down to the next post.

Here's a look at Black Friday from a different perspective. This is a look at the busiest shopping day of the year from the wife of a retail manger... After spending as much time as possible with my in-laws yesterday (Thanksgiving) we drove the three hours home and arrived at 9:00 p.m. My husband, unable to sleep, was up until 2:30 a.m. After sleeping just three hours, he had to get up to be at his store by 6:00 a.m. There were 48 people waiting in line for the doors to open at 7:00 a.m. It is now almost 1:00 and he only has 8 more hours to work! Since the doors will not close at 9:00 p.m. when they are supposed to (there will be people in there until the last possible minute) he will make it home around 10:30 tonight. That's a 16 1/2 hour day, people! He will make it home just in time to go to bed, get up at 7:00 a.m. tomorrow and have another 13 hour day. What am I trying to say here? Well, let me tell you....I have never and will never shop on Black Friday. I realize I could save a few bucks, but the negatives heavily out weigh the savings. By standing in line at 5, 6, & 7:00 a.m., you are only encouraging the retailers to open earlier next year. That means the poor souls who have to work at these businesses will have less and less time with their families all in the name of corporate America. Please don't get me wrong here, I am most thankful for my husband's job. He provides very well for us. But, is Black Friday really necessary? Couldn't the stores just open at their regular time and offer the same great savings then? I know the man who writes my husband's checks will be extremely happy with the sales his store generated today, but do you think he put in a 16+ hour day today? Nope, no way! He just gets to reap the rewards and count the money you gave him at 5:00 a.m. this morning.

We are truly blessed

We spent this day of Thanksgiving at my in-law's house in North Carolina. Our original plans included going to WV, but as usual, those fell through. Having a husband in retail is not the best profession to be in this time of year (as far as family time goes). So, we adjusted and shifted things around which, after 15 years, I'm accustomed to doing. We arrived late Tuesday night. We really enjoyed our limited time with them and did nothing but visit. My MIL recently had surgery on her hand and was supposed to let me do all of the cooking. But, I knew when she agreed to that arrangement that it would never come to be. She cooked the full Thanksgiving spread...turkey, mashed potatoes, corn, broccoli casserole, deviled eggs, etc. Oh, it was so good too. The first words out of Tater's mouth when we sat down were, "I want one of everything!" Hubby and I graciously agreed to clean up after we'd stuffed ourselves silly. It's funny how you can bond with someone while doing dishes the "old fashioned" hand! Our family is truly blessed and for that, I am thankful. I hope your day was full of feast and family as well. Happy Thanksgiving!

Tater Tot enjoying one of daddy's old toys.

Chasie & Bo waiting for their bite of turkey too.

November 23, 2006

I've Been Interviewed

Are you looking for some great new blogs to read? The mom blog directory at "5 Minutes for Mom" lists tons of interesting and encouraging mom blogs. I'm proud to now be included in their list. As well as listing blogs, they include webstores owned by women. I think it's always great to support other moms when possible!

November 19, 2006

A New Christmas Tradition

I just finished reading an article in the November/December issue of Today's Christian Woman. The article is entitled "12 Ways to Make Your Holidays Merry and Meaningful" and was written by Jeanne Winters. They are all quite good and would be wonderful ways to make this holiday season special. However, one of them stood out more than the others. It was #8...Happy Birthday, Jesus. She suggests offering Jesus a symbolic gift in honor of his birthday. This can be done individually or as a family. You are to give him an area of your life that you want to change, then physically wrap a box to represent it. Wow! That just blew me away. What a simple yet powerful way to draw closer to Him. There will definitely be a special gift under our tree this present to Jesus.

November 17, 2006

Tater Tot is a "Terrific Kid"

Payton's classmates chose him to be the "Terrific Kid" in their class for the month of October. This honor is voted on solely by the students and is awarded to one child in each class, Sept. - May. The award is presented by our local Kiwanis club. They supply the recipients with a shirt, certificate and static cling thingy for the back of the parents car. He was so excited about being able to go up on the stage. He's been to two of these award assemblies before when his older brother received the same honor. He was overjoyed that it was his turn this time. Way to go, Tater!

November 16, 2006

Thursday Thirteen

In honor of our 15th wedding anniversary today, here are thirteen things I love about being married...
  1. Seeing my best friend every day
  2. Always having a shoulder to cry on
  3. Having someone to snuggle with when I'm cold
  4. Being referred to as the "misses"
  5. Sharing a last name
  6. Being able to finish each others sentences
  7. Our marriage being blessed with our two boys
  8. My extended "in-law" family
  9. Knowing there will always be at least one person on my side
  10. The nick names we have for each other
  11. Having "our" special song
  12. I love the fact that he's know me since I was 4 years old
  13. Sharing each day's up and downs with each other

Want to participate? Go here for more info.

Happy Anniversary to Us!

November 16, 1991....The day that changed my life. I was lucky enough to marry my best friend 15 years ago today. The Lord has blessed us richly since then and I am eternally grateful. Happy 15th anniversary, Daye!

November 14, 2006

Works For Me Wednesday

This is what works for our family every year at Christmas. We buy one ornament for each of the boys. The ornament has to represent something from the previous year. For example, this year for Tater Tot I bought a little boy holding a pile of books and an apple to signify his first day of kindergarten. For Bubby, it was a basketball player to signify his first year playing basketball. We've done this since the boys' very first Christmas. To keep track of all of the ornament's meanings I made a simple "Ornament Memories" form for each boy. It lists the ornament's description, who it was given to them by, the date given and important event it signifies. The boys love going through the list as we unpack the ornaments and decorate the tree each year. Sorry I don't have pictures, but we don't decorate our tree until Dec. 1st. Merry Christmas!!

For tons more WFMW Christmas Edition ideas visit Rocks in My Dryer!

**A bonus's a great site if you're really serious about getting organzied for Christmas.

November 12, 2006

I'm still learning...

Yeah, I learned two new things today! I learned how to do this. I also learned how to open a new browser window when I give you guys a link to another site. Wanna know how too? Tough...I'm not telling. You just have to find out like I did....hunt and search! Yes, I'm serious. Now, go on, get busy!!

Okay, I just couldn't do it. Thanks to Mommy Dearest at Home Sweet Home for posting instructions on how to do the strike-through. I found the other little ditty all by myself here at Blogger Help.

I also added an "email me" button in the "About me" box to the right. Thanks to this nifty little email button generator.

Now, wasn't that a productive day? Well, at least it was in the bloggers world!

November 11, 2006

Pray for Braden

I have a blogging friend whose son could really use all of our prayers. His name is Braden and he is in the process of undergoing surgery,chelation, radiation, and chemo in Texas. You can read his story here. If you'd like to follow his treatment and progress you can do so at this blog his mom has created.

November 9, 2006

Thirteen things I miss about being a kid...

1. Playing with my Barbie Dream Hose
2. Sleeping as late as I wanted
3. Being spoiled rotten by my grandparents
4. My Ms. Beasley doll
5. Captain Kangaroo
6. Watching The Wizard of Oz once a year
7. The anticipation of Christmas morning
8. Sunday morning breakfast with my Papaw
9. Spending the night at a friend's house
10. Michael Jackson being normal
11. Watching "Chiller Theatre" on tv on Saturday nights
12. The skating rink
13. Have no true responsibilities

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

Walnut Grove Plantation field trip

Yesterday I had the opportunity to accompany Bubby and his classmates on a field trip to Walnut Grove Plantation. This is where the Moore family settled on land that was given to them in Spartanburg County, SC in the late 1700's. It was a brisk, sunny autumn day. The students started off by making candles. They each dipped their strings 15 times. The result was only a small sliver of a candle, but they learned that the Moore children would dip their candles 80+ times to get the necessary size. Next we toured the house. The Moore family were well off and could afford to build a two story home. Their twelve neighbors in all of Greenville & Spartanburg Counties could only build one room cabins. There was also a one room school house, doctors office, many sheds and the Moore family cemetery on the property. You can see all of the pictures and read more here.

November 8, 2006

The Orange Post

This evening as we were preparing to eat supper, Tater Tot wanted to help set the table. Without even being asked, he began getting the plates out of the cabinet. My back was to him as I stirred the contents in the pan. However, I was ready to compliment him on his helping me when...........CRASH! I knew I had been lucky too long and what I had feared would happen finally did.

My tangerine Fiestaware plate laid shattered on the counter. You see, I have a service for ten, each a different color. For 13 years we used the Corelle dishes we received at our wedding shower. Then, two years ago, I decided I wanted "real" dinnerware. I chose Fiestaware because it is made in our home state, good ole West Virginia. Anyway, back to the story......Tater immediately began to cry and ran straight to his room. I didn't even have a moment to say anything. I quickly went up to his room to console him. I found him on his bed, covers pulled over his head, sobbing. I gently uncovered him and cradled him in my arms. With nothing but understanding in my voice I said, "It's okay, honey. I know it was an accident and I'm not mad. Thank you for trying to help me set the table." He composed himself long enough to say, "Mommy, I know you're not mad, but that was my favorite plate!" Then, he began sobbing again.

After we'd eaten, but were still sitting at the table, he hopped down. He got a notebook and pencil and came and stood beside me. He asked, "How do you spell... I'm sorry for?" I told him as though I had no earthly idea why he'd asked. He wrote the letters as carefully as he could and then disappeared to his room. He came back down a few minutes later, handed me the above picture and said, "Actually, I'm sad because it was my favorite plate and because the plate was yours." I may be one plate shy of a set, but at least my Tater Tot is still in one piece (and as sweet as ever).

November 6, 2006

Works For Me Wednesday

What works for me today? Well, just let me tell, that's what. It actually works for me every single day of the year! You just go to this site, register, and add any birthdays and/or anniversaries you want to be reminded of. That's all there is to it. Best of all, it free. They'll send you two reminders before the date occurs. That leaves me plenty of time to mail a card and then call them on the actual day. I absolutely love this site. Thanks, Birthday Alarm, for saving my little tush a few times.

November 4, 2006

Flushed Away...Yesterday

Hubby and I took the boys to see "Flushed Away" yesterday evening. We saw the previews for it when we saw "Open Season" a few weeks ago. It looked like it would be pretty goofy and I wasn't too interested in seeing it. However, the boys really wanted to go, so we did. Much to my delight, it was a really cute movie. My favorite part was the singing snails. Tater Tot was amazed that I knew the songs..."What's new pussycat," "Don't worry be happy," and "Proud Mary" just to name a few. It's always nice when your children are amazed by your talents, isn't it? The past three movies I've seen in a theatre have been animated. Can you believe that? I think it's pretty sad actually. Of the three though, this was the best. It has a good story and is quite entertaining...well to everyone except Hubby. He fell asleep! Okay, I'll admit it, I've done that before (during the "Pink Panther" movie). But, hopefully, I didn't let out one huge, extremely loud snore like Hubby did! You better believe I punched him in the arm and woke his little behind up real fast after that. And, did it have to be during one of the quietest parts of the entire movie? Why, yes, in deed it did. How embarrassing. I thought the boys were going to disown him. Anyway, if you're looking for a good kid flick, I can highly recommend this little diddy. It will keep you and the little ones laughing.

November 2, 2006

Why do I Love Goodwill?

(click on picture to enlarge)

Why do I love Goodwill....let me count the ways:

1. Two pairs of boys Levi's
2. Two Children's Place boys sweater vests
3. Two Clemson/SC long sleeve boys shirts
4. One pair of Old Navy boys wind pants
5. One Ralph Lauren long sleeve boys shirt
6. One really nice boys suit
7. All for only $29!
My motto: "Why pay retail when you can pay Goodwill!"

November 1, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Tater Tot the "dirt biker racer"

Bubby as "Yoda"

The boys had a great time last night of course. Boy did they make out too! They came home with nothing but the good stuff...Reese's, Snickers, generic stuff (which is what I always got as a kid). They've already sorted, traded with each other and given what they don't like to their dad. Now the part they don't like, me limiting them to 3 pieces a day until it's gone. Hopefully, sometime before Easter, it should all be eaten.