April 23, 2007

I'm a Blogger's Choice Awards nominee!

Sorry, just a little shameless self promotion....... My other blog, ADHD & LD Resource Blog, has been nominated in the "Best Health Blog" category for the 2007 Blogger's Choice Awards! Yeah!! So, if you get a minute, drop by my other blog and check it out. Then, if you feel so inclined, stop by the voting page and vote (for me). Thanks a bunch. Now, back to our regularly scheduled blogging.


  1. You got my vote!

  2. Kel, thanks so much!

  3. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Shane - I registered and you got my vote...Adopted grandfather...

  4. I tried to go back and vote again today, but I guess it is only one vote per login...I tried!

  5. congratulations- and very well deserved i think!


Yippee! I love it when you leave me comments. Thanks a bunch. :)