October 29, 2008

The Pencil Post

My Question: Why do you want to use a pencil that is so small? Isn't it hard to write with?

Payton's Answer: No, not at all! Plus, it's challenging!!

My Thought: Isn't school "challenging" enough? Is it really necessary to resort to making minuscule writing instruments? Plus, there's not even an eraser. What happens if you make a mistake? Why not just use a regular size pencil and go with the flow?

My {actual} Answer: Whatever!

October 28, 2008

I do not Own "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown"

Tonight, after carving our pumpkins, my boys are watching It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. It's such a special treat every year. We make our hot chocolate, with all the trimmings, and settle in on our couch for an hour. I know they sell this movie at every major retailer in the country, but I refuse to buy it!

Having this movie in our personal DVD library would take away its special-ness. If the boys knew they could watch it in the middle of summer it would just lose it's magic. Just like everything else, it would be taken for granted. Therefore, we'll continue to look forward to that one hour a year when we can snuggle as a family and enjoy the greatness of the pumpkin patch.

I remember when I was little... I would look forward to the one night a year that The Wizard of Oz was on television. Oh how I loved that movie. It's so magical, so wonderful. I would sit, undisturbed, in front of our TV through the entire movie. The possibility of ever owning this classic never even crossed my mind as a child. That was never even in the realm of possibilities. This was before we even owned a VCR for Pete's Sake. Even if my mom could have purchased it, I'm glad I didn't own it. I'm glad I had to wait 364 days to see it again. To this day it is one of my favorite flicks. That's another movie that I refuse to buy too.

So here's to the Emerald City and the Great Pumpkin, whom I shall only see once every 364 days. May you each retain your magic for generations to come!

Darrin was attempting to be all spooky and took this picture in the dark, hence the orange glow!

October 19, 2008

Help Me Sleep.... P-L-E-A-S-E

Okay, ladies, I'm in desperate need of some help! About three years ago I started having night sweats. Nothing too bad really. It only happened once in a while really. I wasn't too concerned and just lived with it.

Now, however, things are different. They have gradually increased in frequency. Now it's to the point where it happens more times a week than it doesn't. I wake up in the middle of the night absolutely drenched. I have to change my PJ's, go get a towel to sleep on and then try to get back to sleep. Meanwhile, I'm freezing to death. Crazy, huh?

I've had my thyroid checked and it was fine. My OB/GYN also confirmed that I'm not going through peri (pre) menopause. So, what's the deal?! What in the world can I do to stop this?

I sleep in a very light shirt and under a sheet and blanket. That's it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. :)

P.S. - Just for reference, I'm only 37!

October 13, 2008

New Models on the Block

Remember a few weeks ago when I was complaining about the price of the boys' school pictures? Well, Darrin and I took the boys to get their pictures made over the weekend. We spent less than the $80 we would have at school and got six different poses in all kinds of sizes! They turned out wonderful and now I think I'm going to put them to work as child models!!

October 9, 2008

Back to the Future... 1981

Today I'm participating in Kristen's 'Fro Me To You for the very first time. I've been a reader of her blog, We Are THAT family, for several months now. I figured it was high time I start sharin'.

So... today I take you back to the summer of 1981. I was ten years old when this picture was taken. Those are my two brothers, Rodney on the left and Jimmy on the right. We were at Myrtle Beach, SC with our dad and step-mom. We stopped at one of those photo booths to capture the moment. I dare say this is one instant in time when we were all smiling at the same time and not fighting with each other.

Anyway, don't you just love our glasses? They were H-U-G-E! And what about the hair? Well, mine looks fine, but my brothers? It's so long. Apparently this was taken near the end of the week. You can see my very visible tan lines. I used to get so tanned so easily. I never, ever burned either. Oh the damage I'm sure I did to my skin back then. Did you happen to notice my bling? I was stylin' for sure.

To check out the other 'Fro Me to You participants, hop on over to Kristen's blog.

P.S. -- I did finally grow into those two front teeth! :)

October 3, 2008

The Ugliest Shirt Survey

My husband recently purchased the ugliest shirt ever been made. Unfortunately, I wasn't with him on this particular shopping excursion... which accounts for his purchasing it. I just can't explain how much I detest this shirt. For one, the designer couldn't decide whether to make a button up shirt or a golf shirt. It has long sleeves and buttons up the front but has a golf shirt type collar. That's just weird. Plus, it's drab. It's tan and brown plaid. B-O-R-I-N-G! I don't think he would have ever even given it a second glance had it not been a Greg Norman shirt {which I usually like}. I've expressed my great displeasure for said shirt, but hubby still insists on wearing it. {maybe just to bug me?!}

This is where you come in. I'd so appreciate it if you'd take a little second to share your thoughts with me. How would you handle this situation?

{If you have already answered this all important question once, could you possibly do it one more time?  The other survey wasn't showing me any of the answers.  Thanks a bunch!}

My clothes don't fit.........

......and I love it!  I've managed to lose 23 pounds since July 1st.  It's coming off a lot slower now than it was but at least I'm still losing.  I'm beginning to see a huge difference in the way my clothes fit.  Most of my capris {which is what I wear this time of year} are all too big.  I'm down from a size 14 to a 12 now.  I think I may even be able to wear a 10 now, but I'm too chicken to try.  My shirts are loose now instead of body hugging {which they weren't supposed to be in the first place}.  Darrin says he can see a difference in my face as well, but I can't yet. 

My BMI has also gone from 29.4 to 25.8.  That's pretty cool, huh?  A normal BMI is 18.5 - 24.9.  I have to lose 6 more pounds to be in the "normal" range.  My goal is to be somewhere in the middle... around 21 or so.

I haven't really been on a formal diet all this time.  I just decided to stop drinking pop, unless it is diet {Diet Dr. Pepper is my favorite}.  I do not eat cereal any more either.  I used to live on Fruity Pebbles and Fruit Loops.... sugar, sugar, sugar.  I eat yogurt for breakfast {80 calories} and have a light lunch {tuna and crackers}.  Then, I eat whatever I want for supper.  I try not to eat after supper too, that helps a lot I think.  I also quit eating sweets... candy bars, etc.  So, that's my big "diet" plan. 

I'm hoping to be close to where I want to be by Christmas so stay tuned and see if I make it!