February 19, 2006

What is a Mom really worth?

**This post is dedicated to you fellow SAHM's ("stay-at-home-mom's" for you lay people).

Have you ever stopped to just think what all your "job" entails? I mean really...if you're like me, you provide the following services on any given day: chef, chauffeur, housekeeper, nurse, teacher, hair stylist, CEO, school volunteer, etc. There's a site, salary.com, that has actually taken into account the numerous jobs we perform on a daily basis and calculated what we should be paid for our services in "the real world."

(Click on picture to make it larger)

Considering we are on the job 24/7, 365 days a year and get no sick days, personal days, or bonuses, I think $131,471 a year is adequate. Don't you? Since we all know that's not going to actually happen I guess we'll just have to settle for the pay our mothers and grandmothers received.....satisfaction. Being fortunate enough to share every day with our children and helping to shape them into the adults they will eventually become is pay enough. I will be the first to admit that I don't view every day as a SAHM as a blessing (we all have our breaking points, right?), but the majority of them I do. I am truly thankful that I'm able to be at home to nurse their illnesses, volunteer at school, bake cookies for countless school activities, and wait at the bus stop for them at the end of a long school day. I've been a SAHM for 8 1/2 years and have enjoyed almost every day of it. When this September rolls around and our youngest heads off to kindergarten, I will enter a new season of motherhood I suppose. I'll have 6 1/2 hours a day, Monday - Friday, to myself. What ever will I do? Oh yeah, I know...laundry, clean house, grocery shop...the fun stuff that keeps our family going. Cheers to my fellow SAHM's!

Four things every SAHM needs to know.

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