March 21, 2007

Gearing up for a big weekend

Our first born is getting ready to turn 10 years old in a few day. That is hard to believe. To celebrate we're having a house full! Darrin's parents and grandmother arrived this evening. His brother will join us Friday. Then, my mom and step-dad will complete the company on Saturday morning. Bubby has invited a few of his friends to go to Monkey Joe's for 1 1/2 hours of play. Then we'll all return to our house for cake and ice cream. He's so very excited to have everyone here for his special. I had a huge list of things to get done on Monday to get ready. Want to know how many of them I actually got to? None. Tater Tot woke up at 6:00 a.m. complaining of a sore throat. He quickly got worse so a trip to the pediatrician was in order. The diagnosis? A double ear infection. He was in terrible pain. I was having to alternate Motrin and Tylenol every three hours to control the pain. Of course the doctor prescribed antibiotics and gave us some samples of ear numbing drops. It was a rough day...but he's feeling fine now. So, Monday's list was carried over to yesterday. Luckily it was hubby's day off so he could help me since I was in a time crunch now. We got 95% of the house cleaning done. I finished up this morning and made it to the grocery store before they all arrived. I made mini-meatloaves for supper and now we're all settled in to watch American Idol. It's going to be a hectic but truly enjoyable week. Stay tuned for more details about the party.

1 comment:

  1. My oldest hit the double digits in January -- mad did I take it hard... hard to imagine that he's 10!!!!!

    OR maybe it was tough because I turned 30 just 9 days prior!

    Enjoy the party! :)



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