May 27, 2008

A Picture for the Tooth Fairy

Tater Tot lost a tooth last week and left a nice drawing for the Tooth Fairy. "She must have liked it," he said, "because she left me $4 for just one tooth!"

May 26, 2008

Want Gas Relief?

So, our gas is now $3.85/gallon. It's now over $70 to fill up my Acura MDX which gets a whopping 20 mpg. I know in West Virginia, where my mom lives, it's over $4/gallon. In South Carolina, where we just moved from, it's only $3.65/gallon. Only $3.65.....can you even believe we're saying that now?

Anyway, I came across a handy tool today that I thought I'd share. You can just type in your city or zip code and find the gas stations that have the lowest price in your area! Cool, huh? Give it a try...

*MapQuest prices

May 23, 2008

In Memory

In Memory of my Papaw

James Otis Cook

October 10, 1920 - May 23, 2005

For more information, read this post.

May 18, 2008

Taterisms & a Bubby Blunder

Last weekend the boys and I were in Oceana, WV (i.e. "home") for Mother's Day. Sunday afternoon there was a tornado watch in effect. Tater told his dad that it was really dark, high winds and lots of rain but he didn't see any funnel cakes in the sky!

Tater came home from school one day, unpacked his backpack as usual and then searched the bottom for "something important." He pulled out a little scrap of paper, held it up in the air and announced..... I finally got Madison's phone number! He is his father's child.

When his friend's mother asked Tater where his dad worked he replied, "At a hoity-toity grocery store where they play fancy music." She asked what he did there and he told her "Nothing much really. He just walks around all day and straightens stuff." For the record he's as assistant manager at The Fresh Market and says he does do a little more than that each day.

While putting lotion on Tater's legs after his shower I asked if he knew what those blue lines were under his skin. He assured me he did and said, "Yes, they're blood vines!"
Just last night we were watching a movie on TV and Tater told us that he doesn't like it when movies are in mail box. (letter box)

Tater says that he doesn't like it when he has nightmares and wishes he would have goodmares sometime.

Bubby recently helped his dad install a white picket fence at the side of our house. He was telling his nana about it and referenced the pence fost that he helped his dad set in concrete.

May 13, 2008

Tater's first school report

Tater's first grade class was given their first major report assignment last week. They had to choose an animal and write a "report" about it. The report had to be at least ten sentences...that they could read to the class...and had to include at least one picture. Tater chose the shark of course. That is his favorite animal of the moment. He and I went to library and checked out a few books about sharks. I know we could have done it on the computer, which would have been a lot faster, but I wanted him to do it the "old fashioned" way (as he called it). We had a good time actually. He helped me pick the pictures to include as well. He took a real shark tooth to share with his class and even drew his own picture to include with the report. He (and I) learned a lot.

Tater's Shark Report

Tater's drawing of a "mommy shark and baby shark holding a necklace with a shark's tooth on it."

*Click on each picture to enlarge them.

May 8, 2008

New uses for a dead hard drive....


My laptop hard drive recently died. At first I was quite upset I must tell you. And, yes, we did have a small ceremony. Afterwards, I wasn't quite sure what to do with it. Could it be recycled some way? Could I just throw it in the trash? Was there something in it that would harm the earth? Would my carbon footprint be really huge if it was dumped in a land fill. Needing guidance, I knew just who to turn to in this older (much, much older) brother, Jim. He is after all a computer genius. He can build one out of some nuts, bolts and a twisty tie. I think he could take on MacGyver and win! Anyway, I sent him an email seeking his wisdom on how best to dispose of my dearly departed. He shot back a quick and thoughtful reply.....which I just have to share.

"Well, there are actually several things you can do with it."

1. Throw it in the trash.

2. Have the boys paint it, then use it as a paper weight.

3. Put it under a table leg to stop it from wobbling.

4. Give it to the boys to take apart and see what's inside.

5. Glue on googly eyes and pipe cleaner legs to make a computer bug.

6. Use it as a door jam.

7. Use as it as a "hi-tec" coaster next to your computer.

8. Plant in the back yard and see if an "Apple" will grow.

9. Put in your van and throw it at next person that cuts you off.

10. Throw it in a lake "just to feel better."

So, you see, there's so much you can do with a dead hard drive! Who knew? (except him of course) I'm so excited. I just don't know which to pick. I'm thinking I like #7 and after I tire of using it as such, I'll do #4. I liked #8 as well but I can't stand those kind of "Apples!" What would you do? And, thanks Big Bro for the useful tips!