March 26, 2006

Happy 9th Birthday, Garrett!

Garrett turned 9 years old on March 24th. We celebrated by having a party the next day (Saturday) at our house. He invited all of his classmates from school and a few neighborhood kids. In all we had 14 kids here and that was plenty!

We rented a jump house for him, which he absolutely loved. It was used every single second of the three hours we had it. He got lots of cool gifts...Spongebob Square Pants stuff, Magnetix set, Clemson attire and money to name just a few.

I think his favorite was the Spongebob dvd player for his and Payton's playroom. Today I took him out shopping so he could spend his money. He made some really good choices I camera (kids version) and a Kidz Bop 9 cd. The rest of his money is safe in his wallet, for now. Thanks to everyone that called or sent him a card. He said this was "totally the best birthday ever."

(Note: click on the pictures to make them larger)

March 19, 2006

It's a good thing he's so cute

Courtesy of Chase

Chase's latest fascination is our kitchen garbage can. First we tried using velcro to keep the lid shut. Well, that worked for all of two days. Then, he decided to just knock it over and see what happened. Bingo! It worked. Now, we're keeping the can in the "can" (the half bath off of the kitchen) and closing the door. Needless to say that has grown old really fast. We've thought about purchasing one of those stainless steel cans that have the little foot lever you have to push to open it. However, those things are $75+. That's a bit much for a trash receptacle I think. Next, we're just going to try putting a couple of bricks in the bottom of the can and hope for the best. Like I said, it's a good thing he's so darn cute!

Who me?

Tater Tot found Dinosaur Bones!

Last week at Tater's preschool they studied about dinosaurs. He has to have the best preschool teacher ever. She's so adventurous and brave. She took large dogggie Milk Bones, painted them white and then hid them around the outside of the school. Then, the children went on an expedition to find them. She also made a volcano and the kids got to watch it erupt. The next day, they made their own individual ones to take home. She even included the recipe (baking soda and vinegar) so they could recreate the eruption at home. Payton just loved the dinosaur unit and even took some of his own books on the subject to share with his class. We tried to display his work on our refrigerator but the dogs quickly took a liking to it and wouldn't leave it alone (yummy). This week, they're learning about space and astronauts. Who knows what fun she has in store for them next. Thanks for your enthusiasm Mrs. Catalana!

March 11, 2006

Kites, Pizza & Robots

Well, it's 9:00 p.m. and the boys are ready for bed! I dropped them off at church today at 4:00 p.m. for bunches of fun. First, they made kites and then flew them and played games. Darrin and I joined them at 6:00 for supper (pizza). Then, at 7:00, we watched Robots outside on the front lawn. Luckily that's one of the movies we missed when it was in theaters. The boys really enjoyed it. They really liked "Aunt Booty." It got a little chilly but we had sweatshirts and blankets to bundle up with. We're so fortunate that our church does so much for the kids. The children's leaders put so much time, effort and work into the children's ministry. Thank you, we truly appreciate it.

P.S. -- Sorry I don't have pictures to was just too dark by the time I remembered I had my camera!

Truly Stranger than Fiction

(photo taken from The Dominion Post online)

While Darrin and I lived in Morgantown, WV (Oct. 1996 - June 2003) we befriended some wonderful people. Among those people were Jim and Shelly Michael. They were our age and had four children. He had a boy and a girl from a previous marriage and so did she. Through church we got to know them quite well. They invited us over for supper, our children played together and we talked at church three times a week. They just seemed to be the perfect couple. They were the ideal blended family. We truly enjoyed spending time with them.

All that we thought we knew about them changed on November 29, 2005. Around 10:00 a.m. that morning their house was ablaze. Once the firefighters contained the fire and were able to enter the home, Jim was found dead on his bed. We, as well as many others I'm sure, were in shock. What a horrible thing to have happen to such a wonderful, Christian family. Our hearts just broke for Shelly and the children. We were so disappointed that we couldn't arrange to make the eight hour trip back to Morgantown to attend his memorial service. It was arranged so quickly there just wasn't enough time to go.

Since that fateful November morning I have lifted Shelly and children up in prayer numerous times. I've sent her cards of sympathy and hope. Then, the rumors began. I just tried to ignore them, they couldn't possibly be true. She would never even think about doing something so heinous.

Well, yesterday afternoon, I learned the truth. She was arrested on charges of first degree murder and first degree arson. That is not the Shelly I knew. What happened? Now my heart breaks even more for their four children. What has she done to them? She's robbed them of their father and now their mother as well. I will continue to lift her up in prayer. She needs it now more than ever. I also pray that the Lord will give Jim's family the strength to get through the emotional days that lay ahead. And, of course, the children. Bless their little hearts.

March 10, 2006

A Box of Memories

( May 2004)

Today, for a brief period of time, my world stopped. I received a box in the mail from my Mamaw. I knew it was coming and looked forward to receiving it. But, when the time came to open it, I paused. I knew what I would find inside would bring so many emotions with it. After a short time, I carefully cut away the tape and slowly opened the rectangular box. I paused again, before removing the tissue paper that was protecting the contents. Was I ready for this? After deciding I was, I gently removed the tissue paper. There, in my hands, lay a part of my Papaw.

You see, he passed away on May 23, 2005. He was more than just my grandfather though. He was my rock. Growing up he had been more of a father to me than a grandfather. He always knew how to make me laugh. He always knew exactly what I needed to hear and when I needed to hear it. He was the most honest, sincere, loyal, dedicated and loving man I have ever known.
Okay, okay...back to the contents of the box. I had asked my Mamaw if I could have some of his ties and handkerchiefs. Yes, he’s one of the few gentlemen that still carried a handkerchief in his back pants pocket every single day. He was a true gentleman. And, his ties…very few people had ever seen him without one. Only those of us who were lucky enough to know him personally did. I felt like those were the two items that most reminded me of him.

I plan to make a pillow out of his ties. I plan to stitch them together to make a beautiful pillow front and back. The handkerchiefs I just wanted to have. The first thing I did when I picked up his handkerchief was smell it. Yes, just as I’d hoped, it still carried his scent. It brought such comfort. I felt like he was right here with me with his arms around me.

Well, wish me luck on the pillow construction. I’ll post a picture when I’ve completed it. And, Mamaw, thanks so much for sharing a little bit of Papaw with me!

March 4, 2006

Boy's Night Out

Darrin and Tater Tot went to see the Freestyle Motocross tour tonight. (Garrett and I decided to sit this one out.) Payton was totally in his element. Notice his shirt in the picture? He has had it laid out since Monday! He was so excited and told me all about it when they got home. "There was this...and it did that...and you should've seen..." His very favorite part? "When the lady was shot out of the cannon and landed far away in the net." Soon before collapsing on our bed he said "those dirt bikes sure wore me out."

Garrett and I took advantage of the opportunity and went to see a movie. I let him choose what we'd see (mistake). We saw "The Pink Panther." He loved it and laughed throughout the entire movie. I'm not a big fan of slap stick comedy and just couldn't wait for it to be over. Afterwards, I let him pick where we'd go eat (mistake #2). So, we were off to Burger King. He's collecting the Spongebob Squarepants Lost in Time toys that come in their kid's meal. He has five and there are twenty! I just don't think I can eat there fifteen more times in the next month.

March 2, 2006

Tater Tot's K4 Class Olympics

Today Payton's class held their Class Olympics. Yeah, it was a little late, but his teacher was sick last week. It went really well and the kids had a blast. They "competed" in the following events:

  • Cotton ball shot put
  • Broad jump
  • Paper plate discus throw
  • High jump
  • Side step
  • Straw javelin throw
  • Obstacle course

They each designed their own flags and then proudly carried them through each classroom during the "Parade of Nations." After the competition was over they were ready for a snack. One of the mom's made mini torch cakes by baking cake mix right in an ice cream cone. Then, she frosted them with orange icing and put red sprinkles on top. Perfect (and yummy) torches! At the end they each received gold medals. After all, they were all winners. I was so glad that I volunteered to help out today. It was a joy to share Payton's day with him and watch him with his friends. I think he was happy I was there as well.

P.S. -- Since this is my blog I guess it's okay to brag about my child a little, right? Payton completed the obstacle course in the fastest time: 17 seconds. He also won the high jump event! Way to go, Payton.

For more pictures go to!

February in the South...

This is why we love it!
2/28/06 - Easter Lillies in our back yard

2/28/06 - Our huge pear tree in the front yard