April 27, 2007

10,000 Visitors!

Wow! That's it...that's all I can say. Today marked the 10,000th visitor to my blog. It's amazing that, in less than two years, that many people have stopped by my little corner of the blogosphere. Thanks for coming, looking around, and then coming back again. I truly appreciate it. Here's to the next 10,000!

April 25, 2007

Dad's a Coconut Head!

This evening daddy and Tater were at the kitchen table working on Tater's homework. This is always my job, but tonight I just wanted a break. So, I'm in the office typing away on the keyboard when I hear this conversation.....

Tater: "Dad, that's not how I'm supposed to do it!"
Dad: "Sure it is."
Tater: "Dad, that's just not right."
Dad: (re-reading the directions)
Tater: "Come on Dad, this is kindergarten work!"

I figured I'd better chime in at this point.....

Mom: "Tater, do you want me to help?"
Tater: "Whew, finally.....mom."

He gathered his paper, clipboard and pencils and came into the office. While shaking his head he said, "Boy, dad's a coconut head!"

April 23, 2007

I'm a Blogger's Choice Awards nominee!

Sorry, just a little shameless self promotion....... My other blog, ADHD & LD Resource Blog, has been nominated in the "Best Health Blog" category for the 2007 Blogger's Choice Awards! Yeah!! So, if you get a minute, drop by my other blog and check it out. Then, if you feel so inclined, stop by the voting page and vote (for me). Thanks a bunch. Now, back to our regularly scheduled blogging.

April 19, 2007

Mad Scientists at Work

Today Bubby and his friend transformed our screened in porch into their very own laboratory. They would frequently come in and raid the kitchen for supplies....vinegar, baking soda, salt, pans, water, etc. We got Bubby a science experiment kit for his birthday a few weeks ago (maybe not the smartest purchase I've ever made) and they were making good use of it. Can't beat that, right? Having fun and learning at the same time! If only they knew.

April 18, 2007

Fun Money

I came across the most fun thing at StumbleUpon.com.
Want some personalized money of your own?
Check out Festisite.com! (click on the pics for a better look)

He's Gone!!

On a much lighter note.......... He's gone. YeeeeHa! Adios, Sanjaya!! However, I am afraid (very afraid) that we've not heard the last or him.

Virginia Tech Tragedy - part 2

I have been watching TV coverage of the Virginia Tech tragedy today. I know I previously posted about this topic, but I want to share one more thing. MSNBC.com has a short, yet moving, slide show that puts a face to each of the victim's names. It is moving and brought streaming tears. God bless you all.
We will continue to invent the future through our blood and tears and through all our sadness ... We are the Hokies ...

-- Nikki Giovanni, University Distinguished Professor, poet, activist

April 16, 2007

Virginia Tech Tragedy

Today's tragedy at Virginia Tech hit close to home. The campus is close to mine and hubby's home place, southern West Virginia. Even closer, my brother-in-law visits the campus up to three times weekly for work and.......he was there at 7:45 this morning. He saw the police, the SWAT teams, the scared and confused students. He left shortly there after (thank goodness). However, he is more often than not in the engineering building. The very building where so many innocent students perished. He is having a hard time dealing with just how close he was to it all. He said the experience has been extremely sobering. I can only imagine. I told him that we're all extremely thankful that the good Lord was watching over him. After all, we are in no way ready to let him go. My heartfelt sympathy and prayers go out to each family member and friend who have touched by this tragedy. My heartfelt thanks also goes to Lord for not letting more perish.

While reading my favorite blogs today, I came across this on Susie Pie's blog and found it interesting:

This week is historically notorious for bad events:
April 15, 1865 - President Abraham Lincoln dies from assasin's bullet
April 18, 1983 - A suicide bomber destroys the US embassy in Beirut killing 63.
April 19, 1993 - 81 people die in the Branch Dividian fire
April 19, 1995 - The Oklahoma City bombing kills 168
April 20, 1889 - Adolf Hitler was born.
April 20, 1999 - The Columbine High School massacre, 12 people died

The Soccer Season has started

A prayer before the game

The first kick of the new season

Taking a break during the game!

Tater posing for me

Tater is playing at the YMCA again this year. His team is called the "Sharks." They played the "Tigers" for the season opener. They came from behind to tie it up, 3 to 3 in the end. This year, in the 6 & 7 year old age group, they play on a regular size field. Last year is was only half as long. Needless to say Tater was pretty tired after the game.

April 12, 2007

Easter Sunday


Here's a picture of the boys on Easter Sunday. The picture above was taken when Tater Tot was 1 1/2 and Bubby was 4. Darrin told me not to dress Tater in that suit because he'd never forgive me. But, I think he looks adorable. This year, they picked out their suits, shirts and ties. They wanted to match. They even got new Easter shoes. Since we were in NC at the in-law's, I left the Easter bunny a note at our house. Luckily, he found Nana and Papa's house without any trouble.


Spring Break 2007

Last week was spring break for our boys. Tater Tot headed to WV for a week of spoiling at Gee and Paw's. Bubby, on the other hand, went to NC to spend some quality time with Nana and Papa. That left hubby and I here all alone. All alone for six days. Yeah!! Oh, umm, I mean boo hoo. Hubby and I had a wonderful time I must say. We had a date night every single night. We ate at Chili's, Miyabi, Brixx, Steak and Ale, and a few other places. I even got to go to Charlotte, NC with him for a meeting and to spend the night. But, that's a whole other post in itself. Although we had some much needed alone time, that lifestyle really would get so boring after a while. We met back up with the boys Saturday evening at Nana and Papa's. We spent the weekend with them. Boy, that NC weather is something. It was in the 30's all weekend. Burr! And, it was even worse in WV. They had snow! Snow for spring break. Tater Tot loved it though. We left for home Monday afternoon. The boys had a hard time saying goodbye. They both cried at bedtime because they missed their grandparents. It was so sad. But, now we're back into the swing of things and life is back to normal. Or, as hubby says, "Just Another Day in Paradise."

April 11, 2007

Kingdom Heirs Concert

We recently attended a southern gospel concert by The Kingdom Heirs. We've seen them numerous times over the past 8+ years. They are at Dollywood theme park in Pigeon Forge, TN seven months out of the year and tour the rest. We just love them to pieces. They're singing is unparalled in southern gospel music. They bass singer is the lowest we've ever heard. They even add a little humor into each show. And.....I just happened to grow up with their drummer, Dennis Murphy. Of course back then he was known as "Denny." He lived right across the alley from me. We couled hear him practicing on his drums in the metal building behind his house. By the way....he's gotten much better! As always, we purchased several CD's. Give Me The Mountain is our favorite. Especially track number five, The Day Before He Saved Me. The boys are even singing that one. So, if you're going to be in eastern TN in the near future I highly recommend you stop by Dollywood and give then a listen. You will not be sorry, I promise. If that's not possible, I can also highly recommend any of their CD's. We have them all and listen to them regularly.

P.S. - When Bubby came out for church Easter Sunday, Tater Tot said, "You look like a little Kingdom Heir!"

April 6, 2007

I'm back!

Let me tell you....it is so very nice to be missed! Thanks to those of you who checked up on me and wanted to make sure I was okay. Truth be told, I just took an unintentional bloggy break. That's really all it was. So, what have have I been up to? Well, let's see....Bubby has turned 10 years old during my "break." (That's a whole other post). Amazing to believe that my first born is now in double digits. We've had a ton of company at our house. And, spring break is now in full swing and finds hubby and I alone for the week. Tater is in WV with Gee and Paw. Bubby is in NC with Nana and Papa. They're having a ball and actually, so are we. We're all going to meet back up tomorrow though. I've missed those little scutters! I'm working on a few posts to update you further on the goings on of my life during the "break." I just wanted to quickly post this and let you all know that I am still alive and kicking. Type to you soon!