July 28, 2006

My very own office!

Yeah!! It's finally a reality. I have my very own in-home office. For the past 15 years my "office" has consisted of a small desk where ever we could find a place to stick it. Most recently that has been in the bonus room with the boy's toys, etc. Not very conducive to bill paying really. Now, I must say, I'm inspired. I'm ready to conduct business and run our home from command central. I have a new desk and lateral file with tons of room. I have a reading corner with a nice wicker rocker (stolen from our screened in porch). I also have plenty of room for books and related material (thanks to my mother-in-law). My hubby was even kind enough to install a new hardwood floor and ceiling fan. This room was previously our dining room. A room that was only used once a year if that. (we just prefer to use our kitchen table) Now it will be used on a daily basis. Surely you can see me smiling....I'm just that happy! :)

My two dogs have a hide out under the desk too. See the bean bag? They love it! (click here to see "before" picture #1)

My reading corner. The floor plant is from my Papaw's funeral 1 1/2 years ago. (click here to see before picture #2)

Bookcases my mother-in-law gave us (that's Bo in the corner of the picture)

July 27, 2006

No skinny jeans for me

Okay, it has finally happened. I mean I knew it was going to, but already? Something that I (and countless others) wore during my teenage years (mid 80's) is now back in style. The all new, super sleek, must haves.......the "Skinny Jeans." Skinny jeans? Come on, I thought that's what you called the pants you could no longer squeeze into.

When my friends and I wore them we had to actually make them. Yep, sew them ourselves. We took our regular Lee jeans and "pegged" them. We would sew a seam from the crotch to the ankle making them as "skinny" as possible. Sometimes we goofed and made them a little too skinny and our foot would barely fit through the bottom of them. But, none the less, we thought we looked super cool.

I'm just shocked that it only took 20 years for them to come back in style. I don't feel that old! It literally seems like days ago that my neighbor and I were huddled around her mom's sewing machine stitching away. You can be certain that I won't be going any where near that rack of jeans now. No way, no how! I've served my time in them and am more than happy to pass the torch. Now I'm just wondering when big hair and feathered bangs are coming back!

July 25, 2006

Making the blogosphere a little easier to keep up with!

I've came across several different blogs that I enjoy reading and keeping up with. However, I was getting tired of having to check each one individually every day to see if there were any new posts. Well, problem solved! I discovered changenotes.com. It's so simple to use and, best of all, it's free. The only requirement is that you register. Well duh, right? To register they only require your email address and a password which you create. Then you can list up to 100 blogs/sites that you'd like to keep up with. When your requested blog/site is updated they simply shoot you an email and let you know. I've been using this service for several months actually and have received no offensive, advertisement, unwanted emails linked to them. This is also the service I use on both of my blogs to keep those who'd like to know, in the know. Just thought you might like to know.

The "Why" Post

  • Why do socks disappear in the dryer?
  • Why do my boys love to bicker?
  • Why do adults find it so hard to say "I'm sorry?"
  • Why isn't my boy's idea of "clean" the same as mine?
  • Why does the school year fly by now that I'm a mom?
  • Why is my 5 year old concerned about looking "cool?"
  • Why did my love for carousel horses fade?
  • Why is pink my favorite color?
  • Why is my husband such a clean freak only when it comes to his car?
  • Why am I such an organizational nut?
  • Why do street lights tend to go out after I drive past them?
  • Why has my love for chinese food now faded?
  • Why haven't I ever see the "nobody" that lives with us since the boys blame him for everything?

Tater & his Gee

Speaking of Grandmothers, Payton "Tater" has a very special relationship with his "Gee". Gee is what my boys call my mom. When Garrett was a baby we tried to get him to say Grandma and it just came out as "Gee." That's what she's been called ever since. Payton is as close to Gee as Garrett is to Nana (Darrin's mom). They share a unique and special bond. I think it's strange how each boy is closer to different grandmothers. I don't know, maybe that's normal? I only had one set of grandparents growing up so I really don't know. Anyway, Payton will generally do anything or go any where if Gee is going to be involved. Although she spoils him a little more than I'd like...buying toys I'd never buy....Payton eats it up. And, of course, she caters to his every whim just like my grandmother did for me. I'm grateful that he has such a close bond with Gee. I only wish we lived closer and he could see her more often. He does the next best thing though...he calls her practically every day! He knows she's number 4 on our memory dial. I'll just be doing housework and hear him carrying on this long conversation and I automatically know who he's talking to. He's quite the chatter box anyway, but if he's talking to his Gee you can bet the phone will be tied up for at least half an hour....and he's only 5! He also calls her any time he sees Tom & Jerry on tv. (that's their favorite cartoon) Then, they'll watch it together over the phone. Are they nuts or what? You know, I guess it may be a good thing that Gee doesn't live in our town. If she did I'd never see Payton!

July 20, 2006

A Salute to My Grandmother

Me & my Mamaw

Garrett & his Nana
Garrett spent the last 1 1/2 weeks with his Nana & Papa (Darrin's parents) in North Carolina. He was in absolute heaven. He's always been closer to her than any of his other grandparents. She just "gets" him I think. Anyway, when the time came for him to come home this past Monday, he was so very sad. He begged us to please, please just let him stay one more night and things would be so much better. I felt so bad for him. I can't imagine how hard it must be to not be able to see your Nana whenever you want. After all, Garrett's is 3 hours away from her. That's a little too far to just pop in when ever.
I was so very fortunate growing up to have my grandparents just a mile up the road. I could see them whenever my little heart desired. I could easily walk from my house to my Papaw's new car lot as it was only about 100 yards from my house. Spending time at Mamaw and Papaw's was always the best times for me. She doted on me from morning 'til night. Breakfast served to me on a tray, picnic lunches under the maple tree in the front yard, playing church and using the stairs as the pews, playing beauty shop, tucking me in and saying my nightly prayer with me....it was just a dream. I spent tons of weekends up there and most of my summer days as well. I only wish Garrett were able to do the same. Grandparents are such a tremendously important part of a child's life and our boys are missing out on that. If that could possibly be changed we would, but we sort of have to live where the work is, huh?

July 19, 2006

Over the Hill...

Danny (my brother-in-law) is officially over the hill and old as mold! He turned the big 40 on July 13th. While in North Carolina this past weekend, we helped him celebrate this milestone. We decorated with black everything...banners, streamers, balloons, you name it. We didn't want to go too far as it will soon be mine and Darrin's turn to take that trip over the hill. However, Danny took it all in stride and we all enjoyed the evening. His favorite gift you ask? Well, his hat of course. We couldn't get him to take the thing off all night! Right, Danny??

Surprise....you're over the hill!

Not wanting to burn the house down, we just used a few "40" candles on his cake.

I printed some really cool stuff off of the web for him. He found out who shares his birthday, what was popular when he was born (movies, songs, etc.), the cost of things when he was born, etc. Here are a few of the sites I used if you're interest.

Happy 40th, Danny....

I hope it's your best year ever!

July 18, 2006

A Weekend in Mayberry

We spent this past weekend in Mayberry, U.S.A. Well, it was actually Mt. Airy, North Carolina but it might as well have been Mayberry. Mt. Airy is Andy Griffith's home town and the town that The Andy Griffith Show was modeled after. We visited all of the "Mayberry" attractions. Our first stop was Andy's old homeplace, which you can actually stay in for $150 a night. Then, just down the road a bit, we stopped at the Andy Griffith Playhouse. This is home of the Andy and Opie statue that was erected in 2004. Our next stop was at the Mayberry Courthouse. This is a replica of the courthouse on the show. As you can
see, Garrett was trying to escape. But, never fear, we caught him! There are two jail cells and Andy's desk just like on the show. The boys got a kick out of that since they've watched many a show with their Papa. Right next door is Emmitt's Fix-It shop which was also mentioned on the show a time or two. Wally Service station was the next place on our tour. They have a replica of the squad car as well. You can take a tour of Mayberry in it for only $25 for five people. But, since it was in the 90's and the car isn't equipped with A/C, we decided against that. Gotta have those modern conveniences...even in Mayberry. Main Street was our next destination. This is where you'll find Snappy Lunch (which is closed on Mondays), The Blue Bird Diner (where we ate lunch), and Floyd's Barber Shop. "Floyd," Russell Hiatt in real life, still cuts hair
from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm five days a week. They boys were lucky enough to have their hair cut by him while we were there. He's such a sweet man. I could have stayed to listen to him tell stories for hours. He has over 18,000 pictures of tourists who have stopped by his shop to get a haircut. Even Oprah has been there! We had a wonderful time seeing the real places made famous on the show. The next time we see an old rerun, it will have new meaning for all of us. And, ,as always, you can see more pictures from our trip on flickr.

July 4, 2006

Just Another Day in Retail

There are so many activities going on today in our area. Family Fun Fest with rides for the kids, downtown is going all out with blow ups and stuff, the local university is hosting a whopper of a show...however, my family and I can not be a part of any of it. Well, I suppose I should rephrase that. The kids and I could but without hubby. Now what fun would that be? You see, he works in retail and has for the past 15 years. I suppose it's a good thing that he's always been in retail so I don't know exactly how much fun we're missing. It's not just today but every legal holiday except Christmas and Thanksgiving days. They're open 363 days a year. I can only imagine us spending the day together as a family, watching the kids enjoy themselves, eating hot dogs, listening to live music and ending the night with fireworks. Hopefully we will get to do the fireworks thing tonight though. He works until 9:00 pm and they don't start until 10:00. The boys and I are in high hopes that we'll make it in time. I know I should just be thankful that he has a job (that's what my Mamaw tells me anyway), and I am. I truly am. For it was only 3 short years ago that he didn't have a job (for 3 months). But, sometimes I think it would be nice if all retail bosses, owners, etc. would just ban together and declare a national "family day". Close everything for pete's sake. The U.S. population can do without Wal-Mart and furniture for one measly day! Okay, sorry for the ranting. I hope you and yours have a wonderfully exciting July 4th. If you're lucky enough to be spending it with your family, then you're lucky enough.

Happy 4th!

Happy Birthday, America!!

We're dog sitting again

We've been dog sitting for a friend for the past three days. He's a yorkie and his name is "Bailey." He's not quite a year old yet. Bo and Chasie have had a blast playing with him. And, of course, we made room in our bed for him right beside Bo & Chase. We're even in talks with his "mom" about adopting him for good! After all, you can never have enough Yorkies. I'll keep you posted.

Bailey resting on Payton's bed

Bailey & Chasie getting acquainted

He already knows to smile when I get the camera out!

July 3, 2006

Fun at Discovery Island

We spent Sunday afternoon at our local water park, Discovery Island. It was actually our first time going and we really enjoyed it. They have two great water slides, a lazy river, pool, huge water play structure and tons of fountains to play in. I'm sure we'll be going back soon. As always, you can see more pictures here.

Mom and Payton resting during
the required break.

Garrett soaking everyone
below him.

Take "us" out to the ballgame...

This past Saturday night we spent the evening at West End Field in downtown. This is the inaugural season for the Greenville Drive. They are the South Atlantic League affiliate of the Boston Red Sox. That night their opponent just happened to be the West Virginia Power. Since we're both WV natives, we had to root for them. Meanwhile, the other 5,296 people were cheering for the home team. Before the game there was a little hillbilly entertainment to be enjoyed by all. Their music made us feel right at home... just like those WV hills we left three years ago. Before the game Darrin & Payton went down to the field, or as close as they could get I should say. A bat boy gave Payton a practice ball. He was so excited. He had taken his glove with him in hopes of catching a ball. He said, "Man that was easy. I didn't even need my glove!" Garrett isn't a big sports fan at all. Fortunately there was plenty there to keep him occupied though. There was Kids Zone with a really nice play structure in it about 15 feet behind us, there was a speed pitch thing, face painting and a clown making balloon animals. Garrett was pretty
proud of his parrot and it did manage to last until just after the game. They also just happened to be giving away Greenville Drive batting helmets to all of the kids that night. It even came with sticky numbers so you could personalize it with the number of your choice. Payton decided that he wanted all of the numbers on his. Then, he thought I needed to wear it instead of him.
Now, is that a fashion statement or what?
During the second and third innings the Drive mascot, Reedy Ripit, threw tee shirts into the stands. The picture to the right is Darrin's attempt at catching one. Hard as he tried, he was unsuccessful. But, we showed them. We just bought some stuff at the team store after the game! So there. (tee hee hee) You have to realize that all I know about baseball is what I've acquired through osmosis. Being married to a huge Braves fan for 15 years it was bound to happen. Since The Drive is affiliated with the Sox, I was treated to history lessons all evening from said hubby. I learned about Finway Park (which West End Field is modeled after), the Green Giant, Babe Ruth, etc. One thing that I did find pretty cool was the fact that Finway
(and West End) both have one of the few remaining manual score boards in baseball. No jumbo tron here, just good old tradition. There's even a mini version of the "Green Monster" too. The best part of the evening though? Funnel cake and ice cream! Two of my favorite. I told you I wasn't a big sports fan. After reading the program cover to cover I was beginning to run out of things to do, so I created my own little list. What kind of list you ask? Read on.....

  • Why do they wait until the seventh inning to stretch? The game is almost over by then. Why not have the 4 1/2 inning stretch?
  • My lap is more comfortable than the padded seat Payton could have sat on for three hours.
  • Darrin and I are older than every single player on both teams!
  • What's with the song teasers? They would play snipits of a song between batters and just when it would get to a good part, they'd turn it off!
  • They really need to rethink their ice cream presentation. They sold chocolate soft serve in a mini batting helmet. Sounds cute...but looks like dog doo doo in a red hat.
  • What's with the umpire's little brushes to keep home plate clean? Shouldn't the players really know where that is by now? Do they have to actually see the thing to get to it?
  • There was a camera guy that strolled around the park all evening. Apparently his job was to find people that were having fun and then show them on the huge screen in right field. For some reason though, he was only able to find pretty, young blondes. What's the deal with that?

All in all it was a great evening. A beautifuly warm summer evening spent with my family. The Drive did end up losing 7 - 2, but that was just fine with us really. I guess I'll have to wait until next season to go back though. Unless, that is, they get new reading material!

For more pictures go here.