May 31, 2007

I Won an Award!

An award has been given to me. It's not the most coveted of awards, but I have won it nonetheless. "It" is the Worst Mother of the Year award! Bubby's school held an awards ceremony at 9:00 this morning. For the past three years I have always attended this event. Of course I have always been notified prior to the ceremony that Bubby would be receiving an award of some type. This year I received no such notification. Therefore, I did not go. Well, Bubby sadly informed me when I picked him up from school today that he did indeed receive three awards! WHAT?? I was furious. To make me feel even worse he said, "I looked everywhere but I didn't see you. I smiled just in case you were out there somewhere." Talk about breaking my heart. At that very moment I felt like absolutely strangling the life out of his teacher. What wasn't I told. Why wasn't a little note sent home letting me know he was going to be recognized? I immediately called Hubby and told him what had happened. Needless to say, he was quite upset too. As soon as we hung up he called the school and spoke with Bubby's teacher. She apologized profusely of course. In the case an apology just doesn't make up for things. My son stood there, award in hand, with no one clapping specifically for him. Just typing this post is making me mad all over again. I can guarantee you one thing, for the next nine years of his school career, if there is an awards ceremony I will be there regardless.

Now, I want everyone on the world wide web to know that my son, "Bubby," was presented with four awards today:

  1. Perfect Attendance for the fourth quarter
  2. B.U.G. Award (Bring Up Grades)
  3. S.E.E.D.S. Award (reading program)
  4. Most Thoughtful in his class (voted on by his classmates)

Hubby and I couldn't be more proud of our little Bubby. It is unimaginable that tomorrow will be his last day in third grade. It is even more unimaginable that this fall we will be the proud parents of a first and fourth grader! What? How did this happen? Where did my babies go?

May 29, 2007

My New Best Friend -- Update

I have a new best friend! Granted, I just met her today, but she really is my new best friend. I met her at precisely 2:45 p.m. Not only is she my new best friend, but she's also my chiropractor. Today was my initial visit so she did x-rays, exam and a 15 minute TENS treatment. The TENS treatment felt oh so good and banished the pain for about 45 minutes. I go back tomorrow to get the results of my x-rays and tests. She will then tell me what the course of treatment will be. I don't care what it is, I'll do it if it will get rid of my persistent back pain. She also gave me some killer gel to rub on my back. It's called Cryoderm and is so much more potent and long lasting than Icy Hot. I'll let you now how tomorrow goes. I'm excited to see what she has to say. Cross your fingers and toes for me, please.


Well today, 5/30/07, she showed me my x-rays. My right hip bone is slightly higher then my left. My two lower vertebrae are compressing and squishing (like my medical jargon?) the disc. This is turn is causing a subluxation. And, my lower spine is curving to the left. All of this combined is the cause of my pain. She adjusted me five times today. The first few I felt nothing. Then, it was like, "Oh! That feels better." She said the bones will probably not stay where they are supposed to because the ligaments, used to being in the wrong position, will pull them back to the left again. I go back Monday for another adjustment and she will give me my treatment plan then. Of course I had another TENS treatment today. I swear that's the fastest 15 minutes ever. I've always been a little skeptical about chiropractors, but I think they get a bum wrap really. I'm excited and just so very hopeful that she can relieve this pain I've lived with for too many years.

May 27, 2007

Awake at 4:00 a.m.

Yes, unfortunately it's 4:00 a.m. and I'm wide awake. Believe you me it is not by choice. Why then are my baby blues open at this hour? Well, let's just say that the noises coming from the opposite side of my bed aren't really the kind that would lull anyone to sleep. They are quite the opposite really. They are loud, rhythmic, annoying snores. I know he can't help it, but that doesn't make it any more enjoyable. He's actually quite funny about it when I gently kick, poke or punch him. He'll softly say "sorry" or "yes dear?" And, it doesn't matter which position he sleeps in. He snores while laying on either side, back or even his stomach. That man is talented I tell you.

Luckily this isn't an every night occurrence. It does happen 3 or 4 nights a week though. Enough to make me weary eyed in the morning. That's what makes the hours of 8:00 a.m. - noon so grand for me. I get the boys off to school and then hubby leaves for work. Those four hours are then my prime time for uninterrupted sleep. What in the world am I going to do in a few short days when school is out for the summer? Those precious morning hours will be no more. Help!

Like I said, I know perfectly well that it's not hubby's fault. He's been willing to try anything I suggest. First I had him try nose strips. They actually worked but only for a short time. Then I found this device at our local CVS Pharmacy. It was a little pricey at $20 but I was willing to try it. He, on the other hand, wasn't as eager as I was but he was a good sport and gave it a shot. It didn't help one bit....because the darn thing wouldn't stay in his nose. Then I had another idea. Since he's breathing through his mouth, his mouth must be let's close it. I actually talked him into wrapping an ace bandage around around his chin and up to the top of his head. I told you he was willing to try anything! Well, it worked......while it was on, which wasn't long. For some reason he said that just wasn't comfortable. Can you imagine? His mother has even tried to help and suggested this. I'm sure he'd be willing to slip it on too but I think the $60 price tag is a bit much. Hubby then came up with his own suggestion. He thought ear plugs (for me of course) would solve the problem entirely. Nope, not even close. He's also tried sleeping in another room. Can you believe I could still hear him?

According to his doctor, our next course of action is to test him for sleep apnea, which his dad and brother both suffer from. So, that's a possibility but I really don't think that is the cause. I've been awake enough to know whether he stops breathing and he doesn't. Then, if that is not the case, he will refer hubby to an ENT to see if he may have a deviated septum or something. I have put *call doctor* at the top of my "to do" list for Tuesday.

At least I've been productive this morning. I have done two loads of laundry, cleaned the boy's bathroom, straightened up my office and watched the sun come up. Not bad, huh? My eyes are getting a little heavy now though. I think I'll grab me a doggy and snuggle up on the couch for two hours. The boys will be wide awake by then and ready for breakfast.

Almost 85 percent of snorers exceed 38 decibels of sound, which is
equivalent to the noise of light highway traffic.
(Research by HealthEast and the Stanford Sleep Disorders Clinic)

"Light highway traffic?" Come on now, let's give credit where credit is due. Try freight train in the case of my hubby!

May 26, 2007

Putting the "Memorial" back in Memorial Day

The following is taken from The Memorial Day Foundation website.

The "Memorial" in Memorial Day has been ignored by too many of us who are beneficiaries of those who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom and liberty. Often we do not observe the day as it should be, a day where we actively remember those Americans including our ancestors, family members, loved ones neighbors and friends who have paid the price for the blessings of liberty. You can change this by doing the following:

- By wearing your Memorial Day Button from the first of May until Memorial Day.
- By visiting cemeteries and placing flags or flowers on the graves of our fallen heroes.
- By flying the U.S. Flag at half-staff until noon. Memorial Day is a day of "National Mourning."
- By attending religious services of your choice. - By visiting memorials.
- By participating in a "National Moment of Remembrance" at 3:00 PM local time, to pause and think upon the meaning of the day and for taps to be played where possible.
- By renewing a pledge to aid the widows, and orphans of our fallen dead, and to aid the disabled veterans.

I also found the following letter quite moving. It was sent to Mrs. Sullivan by President Roosevelt when he learned that her five sons were listed as missing in action after the USS Juneau was sunk:

Dear Mrs. Sullivan:

The knowledge that your five gallant sons are missing in action, against the enemy, inspired me to write you this personal message. I realize full well there is little I can say to assuage your grief.

As the Commander in Chief of the Army and the Navy, I want you to know that the entire nation shares your sorrow. I offer you the condolence and gratitude of our country. We, who remain to carry on the fight, must maintain the spirit in the knowledge that such sacrifice is not in vain. The Navy Department has in-
formed me of the expressed desire of your sons; George Thomas, Francis Henry, Joseph Eugene, Madison Abel, and Albert Leo, to serve on the same ship. I am sure, that we all take pride in the knowledge that they fought side by side. As one of your sons wrote, `We will make a team together that can't be beat.' It is
this spirit which in the end must triumph.

Last March, you, Mrs. Sullivan, were designated to sponsor a ship of the Navy in recognition of your patriotism and that of your sons. I am to understand that you are, now, even more determined to carry on as sponsor. This evidence of unselfish-
ness and courage serves as a real inspiration for me, as I am sure it will for all Americans. Such acts of fate and fortitude in the face of tragedy convince me of the indomitable spirit and will of our people.

I send you my deepest sympathy in your hour of trial and pray that in Almighty God you will find a comfort and help that only He can bring.

Very sincerely yours,

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Five sons, missing....I can not possibly imagine. But I am eternally grateful for their, as well as all Armed Forces men and womens, service. It is because of them that I am able to type this today. I have the honor of knowing two very special veterans myself. One is my Uncle Barbe. He served in the U.S. Navy as a yeoman. The other is my oldest brother, James. He is currently serving his 25th year in the U.S. Air Force. I am so very thankful that I do not have to place a memorial on their graves this Memorial Day. Instead, I get to thank them in person. Thank you, Uncle Barbe. Thank you, Jimmy. And, thank you to all service men and women, present and past, who have given unselfishly to our country. It is you who have made these United States what we are today. Your service is truly appreicated and will forever be remembered.

May 24, 2007

Tater's Soccer Picture

Just a quick post to share Tater Tot's official 2007 soccer picture. He only has one game left and then it's on to baseball season!

May 23, 2007

Remembering my Grandfather

James Otis Cook
October 10, 1920 - May 23, 2005

Two years. How can that seem like an eternity? It feels like ages ago that I received my last hug from Papaw. It was Mother's Day weekend of 2005 when I would last feel his soft, gentle embrace. The last time I would hear him tell Darrin "you take care of my girl." The last time he would occupy "his" chair of honor at the dining room table. The last time we would all be together with him at the same time. I knew, deep down, when we left that Sunday that it would be the last time I saw Papaw alive. He had found out about his cancer only one year before. He had retired only six months before. His health declined rapidly. We all knew, but didn't talk about, the inevitable that was sure to come. But, there was no preparing myself. The call came at noon that day in May two years ago. I answered as always with a cheerful "hello." As soon as my cousin, Toni, uttered my name.....I knew why she had called. I could hear the despair in her voice. "He's gone." "You need to come home," she said. He had left us just a couple of hours before. He wasn't in a hospital hooked up to machines, suffering when he passed. He was at home with his wife of 50+ years. I'm so thankful for that. I just hung up the phone, held my face in my hands and cried. From that second on I knew my life would never be the same. A huge part of my heart died that day also. It still aches for him. That is the selfish part of me. The part that wanted him to stay here with us forever. The part that still needs his love, guidance and humor to this day. The logical side of me knew that he was no longer suffering. His lungs could now take a long, deep breath. He was now in the company of his parents and sister who had gone on before. He was finally residing in the mansion God had waiting for him in heaven.

I have visited his grave twice in these past two years. The first was the day after he was buried. I cried and took a few flowers to dry as a keepsake. The second time was to see his marker after it was placed. Seeing his name written in gold on that long piece of bronze was more than I could take. I haven't been back since. I prefer to remember him as the man he was, not as a man entombed in the earth. I could go on and on about my Papaw. I could tell you how he was the one man in my life that was a constant. How he was more like a father than a grandfather. How he led me to Christ one Sunday morning when I was twelve. How he shared every major milestone in my life...high school and college graduations, marriage, child birth, etc. He was the greatest man I have ever known. I continue to miss him terribly. However, I know that by the grace of God I will see him again. And, as Brad Paisley sings, "When I get where I'm going...I'm going to walk with my granddad....he'll match me step for step.....I'll tell him I've missed him every minute since he left.....then I'll hug his neck."

I've written several poems about my Papaw. If you'd like, you're invited to read them.

I have also penned several posts about this special man:

May 22, 2007

More Everyday Life

The last two days have been quite productive actually! Between hubby and I we've:

  1. scrubbed and cleaned the screened in porch
  2. purchased new furniture for said porch
  3. put up our above ground pool
  4. cleaned out all kitchen cabinets
  5. washed said cabinets
  6. organized said cabinets
  7. cleaned the dishwasher inside and out
  8. cleaned out and washed the refrigerator
  9. taken a heap of stuff to Goodwill
  10. cleaned the living room carpet
  11. purchased Tater Tot a new bed (pics to come soon)

The feeling of accomplishment is so very nice. However, my back says "enough already!" However, there is still more on my list of "to do's." For instance: cleaning, washing and organizing both pantries, cleaning the upstairs carpet, organizing the boys closets, giving both dogs a bath, and the list goes on. I do not see rest in my near future, but that's the way I like it really!

May 20, 2007


Not a whole heck of a lot going on here, just everyday life really. Tater's next to last soccer game was yesterday. He did an awesome job as goalie. He blocked tons of goals. His team. the Blue Sharks, won! The boys only have 8 1/2 days of school left. They each want to spent some time with their grandparents this summer. Plus we'll be going to the beach for a week, swimming in our pool and I'm sure we'll visit a amusement park or two. So, the ten week summer break will pass quickly. Hubby an d I have been doing some major work in the yard. We've planned lots of perennials. My favorite is a beautiful pink hydrangea. Now we just need to get two truck loads of mulch to finish it off. I've been busy planning the end of year party for Tater Tot's class. We're going to be having a pizza party the last day (half day actually) of school. The parents all sent in money to go towards a joint gift for their teacher and aide. I was able to order $150+ worth of goodies for the classroom. I know teachers spend so much of their own money for these items, so we wanted to help them out with this. The children are all so excited to present them with the gifts. I've also been quite busy with my other blog, the ADHD & LD Resource Blog. I have been getting so many wonderful emails from my readers, which I greatly appreciate. Well, that about wraps it up I guess. Have a great weekend! :)

May 15, 2007

A Mayberry Mother's Day

As we did last year, we spent this Mother's Day in Pilot Mountain, N.C. with hubby's parents and brother. It's always fun to go this time of year so we can attend the Pilot Mountain Mayfest. There's always something for everyone...a car show, tons of vendors selling their wares, carnival rides and delicious food. And, can you believe we didn't take one picture? Well, we did last year so those will have to do. The boys also got me the cutest card. It said "Happy Mother's Day from the "not me's" and "I Didn't-do-it's" ......also known as your kids. Boys is that ever the truth! Our two doggies even got me a card. I'm not exactly sure how they pulled that one off but they did.

May 10, 2007

Healed back.....Broken bone

I am glad to report that 1 1/2 days in bed has helped my back tremendously. Hubby has been so good in taking care of the boys. The boys have really doated on me too, which I loved! They made me "get well" cards, brought me anything I needed and even layed with me in bed. What's the first thing I did today since I'm feeling better? Clean house. Yep, hubby can't be responsible for the boys and the house at the same time. But, that's okay with me. I'm just thankful I was able to clean today. Thanks to all of you who sent me well wishes...they worked!

In other news, Tater Tot has broken his pinky finger. He, Bubby and Daddy were jumping on the trampoline and Tater just landed on it the wrong way. So, he's wearing a splint for four weeks. He's doing really good at keeping it on. Unfortunetly it's on his right hand and he's right handed. That makes for sloppy writing, but his teacher is fine with it of course. He is six years old and this is his second broken bone. The first was three years ago. He had a spiral fracture in his leg. That time he was in a cast from his toes up to his little hiney...for eight weeks. I hope this isn't what we have to look forward to every three years.



May 8, 2007

Blogging from Bed

I come to you today from the comfort of my bed. As seems to happen all to often these days, I am down in my back again. No doctor necessary. Been there done that. Prescription anti-inflammatory and pain meds along with my trusty heating pad will do the trick. I really do not know what I did to hurt it this time. Past culprits have been: bending over to pick up a pen, coughing and walking. It really doesn't take much. The good news is as long as I don't move it doesn't hurt! So my bed is the best place for me right now. A day or two of taking it easy should be enough to let it heal (I hope). Of course before I go to sleep for the night, hubby will rub some "Icy Hot" on it. Boy, I love that stuff. An added being immobile gave hubby and the boys the opportunity to spend the evening together. I hear they ate at their favorite restaurant, Joe's Crab Shack, and may have done a little Mother's Day shopping. Speaking of Mom's day...we're heading out of town this weekend to go to Darrin's parents in North Carolina. The annual May Fest is going on in their small town and I hope to be able to walk around and enjoy it. Well, I'm signing off now. My two munchkins brought me some circus peanuts from their trip out with dad. Yummy!

May 3, 2007

Sledding in May!

You might be a redneck if.............

you use your tractor to pull your youngins around
the yard on a sled (when it's 90 degrees outside).

P.S. - If you want to see the video version go to YouTube.

Chris Sligh stopped by for lunch

Chris & his beautiful wife

Last Friday I was at the boy's school for a few hours. First I read to Bubby's class and then ate lunch with him. After finishing off a rather tasty slice of school pizza, I read to Tater Tot's class. That's the routine every other Friday and I really look forward to it. It usually goes off without a hitch. However, that was not the case this time. Our normally quiet lunch was interrupted when the cafeteria full of children all started clap non-stop. Garrett and I just looked at each other. We were clueless. Then....then it all made sense. Chris Sligh of Americ*n Id*l fame had stopped by. (yeah, he lives in our town!) It wasn't long until he was surrounded by children. He signed a few autographs, posed for a few pictures, and then chatted with the principal. One of Bubby's classmates proudly announced as we were leaving..."I touched him, I touched him!" Bubby couldn't believe that "a real live famous person" was at his school.

P.S. - Here's an article about his first performance since leaving A.I. You can watch the video of it too. Be sure and check out Half Past Forever's site. Their first CD is now on sale! I have to root for our hometown boy. And, lastly, for all things Chris, go his official fan site.